Campus Weapons Policy

福克斯谷技术学院(FVTC)致力于遵守所有当地, state, and federal laws concerning weapons and/or potentially dangerous devices.


就本政策而言,“危险武器”的定义见经修订的《十大博彩游戏正规平台》 from time to time. Examples of dangerous weapons include: all firearms, compressed gas operated weapons, and electric weapons as defined in Section 941.295 of the Wisconsin Statutes, 警棍,合法狩猎强度的弓,炸药,金属指节或者任何 would be put to the same use with the same or similar effect as metallic knuckles; a nunchaku or 一种类似的武器,由两根木头、塑料或金属棒组成,一端用铁条连接 length of rope, chain, wire or leather; a cestus or similar material weighted with metal or other substance and worn on the hand; a shuriken or any similar pointed star like object intended to injure a person when thrown; a chain having weighted ends; any switchblade knife; any knife with a blade longer than three inches; baton of any type; explosive devices of any type; any "look-alike" instrument or weapon (i.e., "BB gun," pellet gun); oleoresin capsicum spray (pepper spray); or any other device which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used is calculated or likely to produce bodily harm or death.

General Prohibitions

的使用、放置、隐藏、创造、制造、运输或拥有 危险武器在FVTC大楼(拥有或租赁),FVTC拥有的车辆,所有的FVTC leased or owned properties, or at an FVTC sponsored event as defined in Sec. 943.13(1e)(h), Wis. Stats. 严禁在校外张贴的公共或私人场所举行; except as expressly permitted hereafter or allowed by law. 车辆内持有或管有的合法武器必须卸下(手枪除外)。 and stored out of sight in a locked vehicle. 

Any person in legal possession of a weapon in an area 不禁止负责遵守所有适用的地方,州和联邦法规, rules, and regulations. 

Illegal weapons are prohibited on all College property. Any person who is prohibited by state or 联邦法律或法院命令禁止所有人拥有枪支 College property.

Students and Employees and Weapons

学生及雇员不得在校内使用、放置、运输或持有危险武器 在职业训练局大厦或作为职业训练局雇员期间,或在参加职业训练局资助的课程期间 event as defined in Sec. 943.13(1e)(h), Wis. Stats. Employees and students must also observe the 由任何雇主或业主在任何其他网站访问大学制定的政策 business or for instruction. Policy Section: Health & Safety Policy Title: Weapons Page 2 of 2 


I. 授权和平官员、值班军事人员和联邦法律的例外 Enforcement Officers: A dangerous weapon may legally be used, placed, 在FVTC校园、场地、设施或建筑物或FVTC内运输或拥有 在公共或私人财产上举办的由当值或不当值的当地法律赞助的活动 威斯康辛州执法官员,一名合格的值班或下班的州外的地方或州 law enforcement officer as defined in Sec. 941.23(2)(b), Stats., a former qualified law enforcement officer as defined in Sec. 941.23(2)(c), Stats , an on-duty member of the 军事的,在被授权或被要求时当值或不当值的联邦执法官员 由他或她的直接主管或指挥官按照规定来做 applicable agency rules and policies.

II. Exception for Use, Placement, 教学项目中的学生和雇员运输或持有武器: A dangerous weapon may be 使用、放置、运输或拥有(“拥有”)于校园建筑物 在事先获得许可的情况下,课程的讲师或学生是 必要的培训目的,是一致的具体方案的做法和 procedures. 

A. Possession by a student must be authorized in advance by the instructor. 

B. 教师的持有由教学项目主任授权 with oversight by the Executive Vice President/Chief Academic Officer. 

C. 任何如此授权的枪支应随时在FVTC建筑物内卸下弹药,除非 当在射击场被用于授权的教学活动或(当 used with non-lethal marking cartridges) in other authorized areas. 

D. 经授权的任何火器或复合弓应始终装入FVTC内 建筑物除外,用于教室演示或其他授权 instructional activity. 

E. The instructor and/or the Executive Vice President/Chief Academic Officer 是否有权在必要时制定额外的安全和安保程序 to maintain a safe learning and working environment. F. 所有必需的安全和保安程序必须遵守之前,期间和 after the course of instruction.

III. Exception for Carrying Oleoresin Capsicum Pepper Spray
A. 年满18岁的FVTC保安服务职员将获准 携带经经理批准和签发的油树脂辣椒胡椒喷雾 Security Services. B. Consistent with Wis. Stat. § 941.26(4), pepper spray may be used only in self-defense 在FVTC的校园、建筑物和其他地方的安全人员或保卫他人 grounds. It may also be deployed on an animal for self-defense purposes.

FVTC Weapons Policy FAQ

1. Are firearms and other weapons prohibited at Fox Valley Technical College? 是的,法律允许学校禁止在教学楼内携带武器. To maintain compliance with the law, FVTC在其拥有和租赁的所有建筑物的入口处都张贴了标志.
2. Can I store a firearm in my vehicle while parked in a FVTC parking lot?  Yes, 法律允许合法持有武器的个人在FVTC停车场停放枪支和武器. 枪支必须按照州运输法妥善保管:所有枪支,手枪除外, must be unloaded and cased. In addition, 为了防止盗窃,任何枪支都应该存放在显眼的地方——比如后备箱或其他封闭的隔间里,你的车应该锁上.

3. 职业训练局是否为有意取得隐蔽携枪许可证的人士举办课程? Yes, the Criminal Justice Department offers classes. Contact Enrollment Services for additional information.

4. If I am attending a special event on the grounds at FVTC, can I or any other visitor carry a concealed firearm? Consistent with our overall policy, to the greatest extent allowable by law, FVTC will prohibit weapons at special events. 请在抵达前与学院确认是否允许携带武器.

5. 如果我在福克斯谷技术学院看到有人携带或持有枪支,我该怎么办? If the person is not an immediate threat, contact Security Services at 920-735-4777. If the person is an immediate threat or is uncooperative, contact 911.

6. 如果我在区域中心或没有现场保安的地方看到有人持有枪支,我该怎么办? Contact your local police department. If the person is an immediate threat or is uncooperative, dial 911. As soon as it is practical, contact Security Services at 920-735-4777.